Studio Geotecnico Strutturale – SGS s.r.l.

History, dedication, skills and creativeness for underground works

Our history

Thanks to more than 50 years of experience, we adopt a solid, flexible and pragmatic approach to geotechnical design

Studio Geotecnico Strutturale – SGS s.r.l.

History, dedication, skills and creativeness for underground works

Our projects

From the first sketch to the detailed drawings, we are able to understand the right level of detail to provide robust and efficient design works to the Client

Our team

We carry out design work for underground constructions with motivation, knowledge and flexibility

Studio Geotecnico Strutturale – SGS s.r.l.

History, dedication, skills and creativeness for underground works

Studio Geotecnico StrutturaleSGS s.r.l. - carries out design work for geotechnical and structural works since more than 50 years, in Italy and aborad, for public and private clients.

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Our services

Design work, consultancy, assistance and site supervision, research.

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Our Projects

progetti Placeholder

Our clients

They used our services