Location: Varsavia, Polonia
Client: AGP (Astaldi, Gulermak)
Year: 2016 – ongoing

Since 2013 SGS has been involved in the extension works of Warsaw Metro Line 2. In particular, between 2016 and 2021 SGS has been responsible for the executive design of the mechanised excavation of 12 tunnel sections, 10 cross-passages and several ground improvement works. The use of TBM in EPB mode in soils often granular and below water table and the excavation beneath historical buildings in poor conditions have made such project complex and interesting.

A tight collaboration with the Contractor (Astaldi-Gulermak) and an efficient communication with the Client allowed to complete the works in time and with successful results. SGS is currently working on the design of the remaining section of Line 2 tunnels whose construction is foreseen in 2022-2023.